How Can I Learn English Without Getting Bored?

Learning English should be fun! How can you learn and have fun at the same time?

If you would like step-by-step instructions on how to improve your English by yourself, download our free guide HERE.

Learning a language is not an easy task, and may even feel like a boring one, especially if you continue to learn in the more traditional way - learning grammar and vocabulary off by heart (memorising). This can be useful at times, of course, but the aim of a language is to communicate, so the most important thing you should be learning is that - to communicate. Namely (specifically), listening, speaking, writing and reading, and learning vocabulary and grammar along the way to use as tools to help you. In this way, learning can also be fun and interesting. In this article, I give you some ways to make it so.

First of all, you should be specific about your goals and objectives - why are you learning English? Think of all the positive things about learning English - what will you be able to do? Achieve? How will being able to communicate in English affect your life? This will motivate you and help you to become excited about learning. Think about how excited children get when they manage to learn a new skill - wak, talk, whistle, ride a bicycle - reclaim some of that childhood joy. 

The second step to making English more fun is to enjoy it! It sounds obvious but if you don't enjoy doing something, it is much more difficult to do it, isn´t it? Listen to podcasts or Youtube videos or Tedtalks that are interesting for you, listen to music you like over and over again until you understand the words, watch your favourite series in English. Read your favourite book - in English! Read blogs and articles about topics that are interesting to you. Find interesting people to do language exchanges with and ask them about where they are from. In terms of grammar and vocabulary, if you prefer listening to reading, listen to grammar and vocabulary tutorials on Youtube or Tiktok instead of reading grammar books. Remember, learning a language doesn´t have to be a chore (a boring task), it can - and should - be enjoyable.

To help you have more fun while learning, celebrate the small wins - it is difficult to see progress when you are learning a language, as it is such a gradual process, and this can affect your motivation and desire to continue sometimes, but think of what you can do now that you could not do a few months ago - can you understand something better? Do you know how to use certain grammar structures that you didn´t before? This is an improvement, well done!

Reduce the feeling of overwhelm - of feeling like it is too much, too difficult.  Break it down (reduce it) into small steps. You need to improve your understanding and fluency in meetings in English but you cannot even maintain a conversation right now? All you need to do is start speaking and listening. EVERY DAY! 

Ways to start speaking:


Language exchanges 

Go to English speaking areas (if you can)

Read aloud


Listen and repeat (anything - Youtube, Tedtalks….)

Ways to start listening:

Find a podcast you like



Listen to music

BBC News

Have these listening resources handy (keep them somewhere where you can access them easily) so that you can listen to them when you have 10 minutes throughout the day. Personally, I have a Whatsapp group only for me and when I see an interesting article, Youtube video, or podcast, I add the link to this group to listen to when I am walking to collect my children or doing tasks that require no concentration, or read when I am waiting for an appointment, etc.

The most important thing is to enjoy and remember why you are learning. It isn't a chore, it is an incredible chance to change your life for the better - take it!! 

If you would like step-by-step instructions on how to improve your English by yourself, download our free guide HERE.

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Categories: : Improve Your English, Listening & Speaking