Mastering Assertiveness in Business English: A Guide for Professionals learning English.

From Timid to Confident: Unleash Your Inner Assertiveness in Business English

In today's global business landscape, effective communication skills are crucial for success. Being able to express yourself assertively in English can greatly enhance your professional interactions.

This guide aims to provide English language students, specifically Spanish business professionals in high-level management positions, with practical tips on how to be assertive in Business English without being rude.

We will explore the importance of assertiveness, the difference between polite and assertive language, and provide examples to help you navigate international business scenarios confidently.

Assertiveness in a non-native language can be challenging, but it's crucial for managerial roles, client interactions, and negotiations.

Why is it difficult to be assertive in English?

  1. Linguistic and Cultural Barriers:
    • Limited vocabulary and grammar knowledge affect assertiveness.

    • Unfamiliar idiomatic expressions hinder effective communication.

    • Politeness norms may overshadow assertiveness.

  2. Lack of Confidence:
    • Insecurity about language abilities leads to hesitancy.

    • Fear of mistakes dampens confidence in assertive communication.

    • Why is assertiveness important in Business English?

Assertiveness allows you to express your opinions and ideas clearly, influencing and contributing to discussions effectively. 

Besides this, it helps you negotiate and reach mutually beneficial agreements. 

Being assertive establishes your credibility and professionalism, fostering respect from colleagues and business partners. In addition, it enables you to set boundaries, manage conflicts, and handle challenging situations with confidence.

More specifically:

  1. Effective Leadership:
    • Assertiveness establishes authority and promotes collaboration.

    • It ensures clear direction and efficient team management.

  2. Client Interactions:
    • Assertiveness builds credibility and sets expectations.

    • It fosters strong business relationships with clients.

  3. Negotiations:
    • Being assertive articulates needs and defends interests.

    • It helps reach favourable agreements and achieve goals.

    What´s the difference between polite English and assertive English?

    Polite English often involves indirect language and can sometimes be misinterpreted, especially in international business settings.

    In contrast, assertive English combines clarity, confidence, and respect. 

    Here's how they differ:

    Polite English:


    Using phrases like "I'm not sure," "I might be wrong," or "Perhaps" can undermine your credibility.

    Example: "I'm not sure, but maybe we could consider increasing the marketing budget."

      Softening requests: 

      Softening statements with phrases like "Would you mind" or "Could you possibly" can weaken the impact of your requests.

      Example: "Would you mind possibly finishing the report by tomorrow?"

        Assertive English:

        Direct language: 

        Use concise and straightforward language to express your thoughts, ideas, and requests clearly.

        Example: "Let's increase the marketing budget to maximize our reach and impact."

          Positive tone: 

          Maintain a confident and positive tone while expressing your views, ensuring your message is assertive yet respectful.

          Example: "To meet our objectives effectively, I suggest finishing the report by tomorrow."

            How can I be assertive in Business English?

            Use these tips to help you become more confident and assertive in English.

            Use clear and confident language:

            • Speak in a firm, steady tone.
            • Avoid excessive qualifiers or hedging language.
            • Be direct and to the point.

            Practice active listening:

            • Pay attention to the speaker, maintain eye contact, and nod to show understanding.
            • Reflect on what is being said and paraphrase to ensure comprehension.

            • Ask clarifying questions to demonstrate engagement.

            Express opinions and ideas:

              • Begin with phrases like "In my opinion," "I believe," or "From my perspective."

              • Provide supporting evidence or examples to strengthen your argument.

              • Acknowledge alternative viewpoints respectfully.

            Handle disagreements and conflicts:

            • Use "I" statements to express your thoughts and feelings, avoiding accusatory language.

            • Seek common ground and propose win-win solutions.

            • Stay calm and composed, maintaining a professional demeanour.

            Prepare in advance to contribute effectively:

            • Use phrases like "I would like to add," "I have a suggestion," or "Based on my experience" to share insights.

            • Engage in discussions, ask for clarification, and seek consensus.

              • Be proactive and confident in meetings

            How can I practice being assertive?

            1. Language Improvement:
              • Dedicate time to expanding vocabulary and practising assertive phrases.

              • Utilize online courses and resources for language proficiency.

            2. Building Confidence:
              • Engage in conversations with native speakers for fluency.

              • Role-play business scenarios to gain confidence in expressing ideas.

            3. Cultural Awareness:
              • Immerse yourself in the target language's culture.

              • Learn about business etiquette to align with local practices.

            4. Seek Support and Feedback:
              • Enroll in Business English courses for specific assertive communication skills.

              • Find a mentor or coach who can provide guidance and feedback.

            For more information on our classes:  FAST TRACK CLASSES


            Developing assertiveness in Business English is a valuable skill for Spanish business professionals in high-level management positions. 

            By employing direct language, maintaining a positive tone, and actively listening, you can communicate your ideas confidently while respecting others. 

            Remember, assertiveness is not about being aggressive but about expressing yourself effectively and fostering productive professional relationships. 

            Practice these techniques, and watch your confidence and influence soar in international business environments.

            Practice your business English with our 100% Speaking classes:

            •  Small groups allow you more speaking practice
            • 100% speaking lets you practice grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation - and being assertive!
            • Fun and fast-paced, taking advantage of every moment
            • Access to our online learning academy 
            • More information here:

                      FAST TRACK CLASSES

            Categories: Improve Your English